Monday, August 30, 2010

Thank you!!!!

Wow... my first blog award!! woohoo!  =D I accept!! I am very honored and humbled to accept this very cool award.    This place is a little of me, a little of what I think, of what I feel and so much more...above all, it is a place for inspiration, reflection and humor and I can only hope it inspires you too.  Whether I write a passionate rant about living freely and cage-free, or share a quote, or a picture or tell you about the coolest song I just heard and simply had to share!!! :) And you can either chuckle, smile, nod or want to know more about, than I feel I have done good!!

I thank Laurette from, The Unplugged Mom for this awesome award! And to every single reader, THANK YOU!!

The BuddhaMommyHood's philosophy in ten words:

Celebrating through living!  Because wisdom and joy don't need a lesson-plan.  

Here are the award rules:
  • Thank the blogger who awarded it to you
  • Sum up your blogging philosophy, motivation, or experience using 10 words. 
  • Pass it on to 10 other blogs which you feel have real substance. 
And those 10 blogs with substance are!

Free Spirit Learners
" We try to follow a child-led education, unschooling ourselves as parents a little bit more every single day and homeschooling our three kids in the most natural and organic way we can... nature is our teacher and the planet, our classroom."

"we homeschool, unschool, worldschool- whatever. I’d like to get the word ‘school’ out of it altogether. mostly we rock."

"Organic Learning is a space for us to record and muse upon our adventures as an unschooling family."

"How to raise safe, self-reliant children ( without going nuts with worry) "

"Aspiring a natural life and a technological world. " 

"Stress-free living and simple solutions for a connected, family-based lifestyle."

" Life is not black and white.  I only draw it that way.  This is the story of our homeschooling life in comic strips and my thoughts, which often wax philosophical."

" Living a TV-Free life... with a few crafts and books thrown in. "

" An account of the wicked Pickles family life and the wicked Picklets quest for knowledge on a non-traditional path... because home is where their story begins."

And Special Thanks to Laurette, The Unplugged Mom!!
"The healthiest way to eat is naturally and organically.  The healthiest way to live is naturally and organically.  The healthiest way to learn... is naturally and organically!!" 

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