Friday, March 4, 2011

Have you accomplished it?

Here's a little off-topic inspiration today for all us "unplugged" folks :)  The concept speaks to me and I hope it does you as well... keep swimming!

There is no such thing as "getting there" and this is why there is sometimes a perpetual feeling that we aren't "accomplished".  We actually are accomplished, over and over again, but each time we reach that point - a new level undulates before us!  This occurs simultaneously so we usually don't even realize that we've gotten to that proverbial "top"  because as we're getting there, we're already manifesting a desire to keep going further!   It's an ongoing thing but it's such a wonderful thing!

Some say to "never look back", but I think for many of us it's necessary once in a while to take a moment to look down the road we've just walked in order  to be reminded of just how far  we've already come!  And when sometimes that road seems to go on forever beyond the should never be daunting because truly the infinite road is good news!  It means there is no limit to our potential!

So when we find ourselves thinking "when will I ever get there?"  The answer should be - NEVER!  Because that would be sad wouldn't it?  It would mean there is a ending and that our potential is limited... and honestly there is simply no limit to our potential, therefore no limit to that road and we make it so with every new desire we have to achieve a new goal!  Therefore we will keep moving and enjoy the ride!

If you find yourself saying 'when will I get there?'  First, realize that you've probably already gotten 'there' again and again!  The thing of it is that the 'there' keeps getting better so you just keep moving!
--Laurette Lynn

"Just keep swimming just keep swimming..." -Dory the fish

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