Monday, October 18, 2010

To "Offend" or not "Offend"... is that really the question?

Why do people take the time to get offended?

I don't really understand that.  Granted, sometimes I fall victim to similar behavior... of being affected by someone else's statement.  I get annoyed, sure.  I particularly get annoyed when a person makes an assertive statement they know absolutely nothing about.  The statement can range in various topics, it could be politics, education, parenting, etc... sure, I get annoyed with intellectual laziness.  That's just a personal peeve of mine.   But what I don't understand are the words and the attitude that goes along with, "I am offended by that."  I mean, even as I write those words... I can't help it but laugh.  I mean, who is telling you to get offended? To me it is no different than if I stood up in the middle of a dull film and stated, "I am bored by this! How dare this movie bore me?!" well, get up and walk out.  No one is forcing you to watch it.

And that's the thing right there.  NO ONE is forcing you to watch, listen or read ANYTHING.  So why are you complaining? What? You don't like what I have to say?  Well, then don't listen to me.  Trust me, I will not come knocking on your door.  I am not talking about "obscene" statements here.

I just read an article that GLAAD found a statement from a new *COMEDY* offensive.  Want to know what the statement was?  Ready?  are you sure?  I don't wanna be responsible for offending you by repeating the statement here? If you are to be offended I suggest you stop reading.  If you are still here, I guess you are either morbidly curious.. or just have nothing better to do.  So I will indulge you, while you indulge me.  Want to know what the statement is?
"That car is too gay"

Yes.  That is the "offensive" statement that must either be banned or  revised AND it damned well better be done with an apology letter attached to it.  Because otherwise, you never know, banning might not be enough to repair the broken identities and souls which resulted from that statement.

Here is a thought! If it offends you, DON'T WATCH IT!!  Here's another thought, if your concern is that it somehow "portrays" homosexuals in some sort of negative light... which to be frank I don't know how since we are talking about a car here, then I suggest you spend more time heartening and emboldening the community you claim to support and love, instead of policing every word that you don't like because you have some unfinished insecurity issues to deal with.  It's not society's duty to convince you of your worth.

People, words are words.  We can't ban what we don't like. But we can promote and nourish the things we believe in and love.  Let's channel our energies in more productive ways.  You promote what you like and believe and I will continue to promote what I like and what I believe.

And no this post has nothing to do with mothering lol except in the fact that I am raising my children to be honest, to be themselves and to be in charge of how THEY feel, not how others feel.  Our own journey and personal happiness is enough for one person.

BE.... Confident, Empowered, Honest, Happy, Free... or... BE offended.   It's your choice.


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