Friday, September 24, 2010

Thank you babies... for the privilege of making me your mommy

Thank you my Serafina... my Tookie.  You convict me every day.  I grow everyday... because of you.  You are beautiful, sweet and the most amazing little girl in the world.   Thank you for being you.  Thank you for blessing my life with your love, your brilliance, your welcoming pure heart, your sensitive eyes, your unique humor and giggle, thank you for giving me the privilege... of making me your mommy.

When you laugh I think... gosh... I wanna laugh like that.
You are love... and I think... gosh... I wanna be love like that.
When you discover a new tune that you sing out loud in public... I think... gosh... I wanna sing like that.
When you look at me... with your eyes reflecting nothing but pure innocence, joy and love... I think, I wanna love myself like that.  

Thank you my Serafina... my Tookie... for giving me the privilege... of making me your mommy.

Thank you my Santino... my Sonny.

My little man... there is nothing I love more in the world  to do than building lego worlds in your room.

" Mommy, this part goes here.  Look! I made a city!"
" kisses mommy... kisses." My little man... with the biggest.. most consuming heart I know.

Those hypnotic eyes... eyes that are like some rainbow lace that dress up my life... thank you... for looking at me with those eyes.

You are love.
You are joy.
You are the giggle of my day and the dream of my tomorrows.
Thank you my little man... my Sonny... My Santino... for giving me the privilege of making me your mommy. 

My Ofelia...
My Okie, My Okieliscious
keep teaching me honey... keep teaching me to spontaneously dance... the second the mood strikes.

Ooooh... bounce honey... bounce to The Beatles, Pink Floyd and Lady Gaga.

Thank you for being the epitome of happiness. 

Buddha has nothing... on your wisdom and Zen.

Tomorrow when you wake me... with your kisses and squeezes... when you mumble, "mawning mommy" and I thank all that is life for giving me this new day to love you, all three of you...  all over again... I shall thank you once again... for giving me the privilege of making me... your mommy. 

Thank you
Thank you
Thank you

Thank you... for giving me the humbling, magnificent, unbelievable privilege.. of making me your mommy. 

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