Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Homeschool Community... how do I love thee..

Let me count the ways!!

I love...

...Our Unplugged Educators community.  Our homeschool "group".   Love it!! I am totally in love and so very proud of the community my bff, myself and a bunch of us homeschooling mama friends have built for our families.  Today was awesome!! I loved it so much. We met and made all the plans for the upcoming Fall/Winter season AND Spring/Summer.  It has been exactly a year and I love it more and more everyday.  It felt so good to sit there amongst other cool moms who absolutely love their kids, love their roles as homeschooling moms, are proud to live out of the box and do things a little different.  Proud to be crunchy-grow our own food-living our lives unplugged from the mainstream-raising our bright "unsocialized" awesome kiddos!!

Our community is exactly that, a "community".  We are not about numbers or recruiting as many homeschooling parents as we can so that pretty soon we are just names on an email list, instead of a community of kick-ass happy, quirky moms who really appreciate one another and totally love dancing to our own beat :)  and who above ALL  else, live putting our children first!

It's been exactly a year that this community came about.  I love it.  I love our kids, I love our moms, I love that we can all sit and laugh and plan our year and feel completely at home :)  I love that we are unabashedly proud to be "unplugged" from the mainstream, proud to be different than the rest... we carry our "unsocialized" happy and healthy label with pride!

I love the home we have built for ourselves.  A supportive, healthy, uplifting, friendly community is hard to come by... so when it is found, it is treasured.

I love being part of something special and unique.  Most of all, I am really happy that I can give this to my kids :)  I am thankful and I am proud.

I love our community.
I love what I am a part of.
I love what I helped create.
I am a happy lady.
I am happy with my choices.
I love it all.
Life is good...
Life is great!!


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