Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Like sand. The lesson is simple.

It is all like sand. Everything. Our relationships, our jobs, careers, successes, money, experiences, it is all... like sand running through our fingers. And we try so hard... to manage it, to control it, to guide it, to prevent it from doing what it is in it's nature to do... we wanna keep it, we wanna claim it, and we suffer, until we realize our efforts are futile. No matter how tight our grasp... we just can't control it. The joy comes when we realize, we don't have to.

The lesson is simple.

I see the sand
I touch the sand
I love the sand
It is beautiful
It feels good
It is poetry
I love it's warmth as it reflects the sun
I admire it
it runs through my fingers...
I love the sand.

That is life. That is bliss. That is Freedom from pain, from "suffering", from hurt, from perceived anguish. Love life. Touch life. Experience life. Life is beautiful. Life feels good. Life is poetry. Appreciate life. Life runs through your fingers. Love life.

Let go of all misconceptions of control and futile earthly effort. Know that YOU are life. We are life. We hold the sand, we are connected to the sand. We are one. We have nothing to fear. We do not have to grasp to misconceived ideas of existence. Let go... love, love freely... don't waste energy trying to hold on. Be the experience you seek to feel and enjoy.

The lesson is simple.

See it, love it, live it, and keep loving it some more. That is ALL we are here to do.

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