Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Inspiration is me... I am inspiration :D

I am in love!! and here is the object of my affection :)
It is LOVE, it is HAPPY, It is COLOR, it is eclectic, 
It is LIFE, 

I love it! LOVE IT!! LOVE IT!

 I "found" this image today... or perhaps it found me... I am thinking we found each other :) 

And so it is going on my living room wall.  No, I am not talking about hanging a framed painting of this on my wall, no way :) This WILL BE my wall!! Absolutely! and since it is going with me everywhere I go I am gonna  build a giant canvas for it.  Oh I am so happy... utterly in love with this! It's going on my wall!!! YAY!!! lol 

got lot's to do!


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