Thursday, January 14, 2010

Meet your world... again.

Waking up...
New Day.
A million universes created in a mili-second.
New rays of sunshine reach my skin.
Newness abounds.
Yesterday's page was written...
what will we write today?
I stretch... mmmm... "could probably use another hour..."
and I meet you again...
I meet you again.

His kiss on my forehead.
treasured greetings whispered...
a dancing 6 year old rubs her eyes as she stumbles out of bed
her world wrapped around my embrace.
Trains and tracks built around my pillow by 3 year old hands
and I smile as I reach for 'Thomas the train' in my hair.
chubby 9 month old legs learning new steps... as I take my own steps for granted.
and I meet you again.
I meet you again.

Thank you.
Thank you.
What shall we paint today?

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